Contact us

i-escape (Ram Tinto Associates Ltd)
23 Westfield Park, Bristol, BS6 6LT, United Kingdom
registered in England under company number 03981568
and VAT registration number 761 3192 40

E: [email protected]
T: +44 117 946 7072 (general enquiries)
We're available from 9am-5.30pm Monday-Thursday, and 9am-5pm Friday (UK times).

Help with your holiday plans

Can't decide where to stay? Which room? How long for? We'll sort you out! [email protected]

Existing enquiries

Got stuck? Email [email protected] with your 10-digit reference number (starting IES-).

Feedback on our site

Gripes or gratitude - we welcome every comment, and promise to reply. [email protected]


To recommend a hotel, guesthouse or house rental which you have stayed at as a guest, tell us here.

List your hotel or property

Please read the information about Joining Our Collection which contains a link to the application form.

Press enquiries

If you would like high-res images, copies of recent press releases or to discuss featuring i-escape properties in your publication, please email us at: [email protected] giving details of your proposal, circulation etc. Please bear in mind that we require a credit in all cases, and that we rarely fund journalist trips overseas.